Updated: Sunday, June 17, 2007

Playing with Fire: Feedburning

I know how much technology frightens and confuses Mr. Alberts, but I think its time we step up the game a little bit to play like the cool kids. The first major changes to the site are all about spreading the Gospel of Trev to the far reaches of the intertubes. We've added a few new features that will help get the site into the blogreaders, social networkings, and a whole bunch of other stuff that I don't have half a clue about, but the young people seem to be into these days.

Every post now has links to Digg, Facebook, and del.icio.us for those kind of things. If you're into that sort of scene, that is. I'm not, but I've heard good things.

Also, apparently some people like to keep all of their favorite blogs in a kind of reader or whatever. Personally, I just kind of bookmark stuff, but I'm not cool. Anyway, Feedburner is hosting this site for a number of services including Google, Yahoo!, Newsgator, and a bunch of other really cool Web 2.0 type gadgets. The sidebar will have the red Feedburner counter, and each post will have a handy "subscribe" link that does the same things.

Now, to keep the staff sober long enough to keep the content rolling. They're digging through the old Bartender's Guide in the break room. The Horse's Necks are flowing like...Horse's Necks.





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