Updated: Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Some quick business

Sorry about the lack of recent activity, everyone. Mr. Alberts has thrown a bunch on my desk this week, and all of it is to be finished immeidately at my earliest convenience, no overtime pay (TBFIAYECNOP for short), so I've kind of got my hands full at the moment.

Here's some of the things in the pipe for your upcoming consumption:

  • The site is headed on the road again, this time to Atlanta for the ND-GTech opener. We're deeply in the midst of coordinating all of our travel plans. Trev's recent infatuation with liquid-based male beauty products has thrown yet another wrench in our concerns. I really don't feel like checking all of those bags.
  • It has come to our attention that not everyone is down with the FireMarkMay.com orginizational chart (FMM.C:OC or the OC for short) so we'll be getting that out to you all as soon as I can get an accurate head count around here. Bloo has been put in charge of rounding up the troops, so this could take a while.
  • Lastly, hilarity has been put on hiatus as Trev took the photoshop PC to his house during a few of his "personal days," so he needs to tighten it up and get it back here. These JoePa parodies aren't rendering themselves, you know.
I wouldn't be an honest member of the blogosphere if I didn't also throw in that "Snakes on a Plane" is also weighing heavily on the staff's minds. It's like Xmas Eve all over the interweb. I have to make sure we ordered enough 40's for Friday.




Blogger IrishOutsider said...

We're running the GiMP here. It definitely gets the job done.

8:01 AM  

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