Updated: Monday, March 03, 2008

2008 CFB: Best New Blog

It seems the interwebs have found some way back into our dusty corner of the blogosphere, so we might as well put our best face forward for all the shiny cameras and the many peepers that will be gracing our site. Kid! We're calling a truce in the name of this fine sport of college football blogging, and because the Trev can't let the good folks of the web down. Salt of the earth and a true son of these mountains I am.

Now that we've got that exposition out of the way, it's time to give the award for Best New Blog to one of the following New Blogs, on this 2.0 version of tube-casting blogging interactive playground of 80s references and toilet humor. Maybe we're up to 2.3? I don't know, the Trev does not care for such things. Back to linking the nominees, interns, please form the orchestra as planned.

And the winner is, Orson Swindle, for Every Day Should Be Saturday! What? That's not what's going on? I thought we were giving him every award for still writing? No? Not funny? Ok, moving on...you sure we're not giving this thing to that Peter Bean guy? Alright, the winner is...

Black Heart Gold Pants!

I'd like to congratulate the newest members of our fraternal order on their hard work and tireless devotion to keeping that Journey logo on their site. It takes determination and guts to rock the Perry as hard as they do over there, and this red-blooded American Trev salutes them for it. Oops Pow Surprise, Jebus H Christ, and their tireless crew of Iowa Hawkeye fans do their underground lair of Sports Blog Nation proud. It's always good to see a group of fellow fans band together under the common banner of Michigan bashing and general acts of keeping it real. Kudos, sirs, Kudos.

As for the actual award, well there's a little bit of a problem with that. You can take it from my cold, dead, Trev hands! Sure, we have left this once proud meme building engine in neglect, but that doesn't give you whippersnappers the right to just waltz in here and take what is still rightfully mine! You and your daily updates and your weekly traffic numbers and your hard working journalistic integrity...its time to take care of you in the only fashion a botched ceremony turned ambush is allowed...


Sorry for the shenanigans everyone. While he's getting that out of his system, and properly restrained, we'd like to pass the baton to the next award in this year's presentation, Best Looking Blog. Of course, they've got the Pimpala driving longhorn himself, Mr. Bean, to take care of things over at Burnt Orange Nation at 3:00pm.

Again, just want to thank everyone for stopping by and assure you all that the building has suffered only minor structural damage. Drive home safely.

-the kid.

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