Updated: Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Triple Three-way Trifecting Parlay

As if the site needed some more gimmicks, we're going to do a test run of the analyzing sort.

If all goes well, every Tuesday will be Triple Tuesday, or Tuesday Three-Way, or Trifecta Tuesday (name pending). It'll be a lot like the numerous ways the WWL stages arguments between their talking heads, but without the overt corporate tie-ins. Each week I'll round up three viewpoints on the BCS to get everyone fired up for the C-USA night game...or whatever.

I'll post the links as they cross my desk, but here's the basic plan:
(UPDATE: It seems like the local festivities have thrown a wrench into my plans. We'll try to hobble together the triple-play next week. Enjoy the evening and the many black and orange taffys that it brings.)

In other news, today is Halloween. Please don't tell Trev.





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